Sportsman 2017 selection: Will you vote for me!?

Sportsman 2017 selection: Will you vote for me!?



I am nominated for a Dutch regional Sportpodium 2017! Which athlete will win the title will be decided for 50% by a jury and for 50% by the audience. You can now vote for me, until March 11, via this link:

In an impressive list of regional Topsport athletes and teams I'm selected for the fourth year in a row for sport talent 2017 (under 18). Will you vote for me?! 


The website is in Dutch, but here you can see where to click to vote. Thanks for your help!


Click on this blue button (at the bottom of the page) to find the nominees :

There you will see this page:

Please select 1 candidate in eacht section, enter your emailadres to let them know it's a person that votes, and press the blue button 'Indienen'.


Thanks a lot for your help!!